Sermons On Division


Inside Job (2006)

Churches do not fall apart from the outside, but from the inside. It is always an inside job!

In this six message series, Pastor Garry Clark candidly deals with Church Hurts and what Hurts the Church! He uses the troubled church at Corinth as the back drop for addressing the current crisis in so many Evangelical Churches today.


 Reality Check

Reality Check (2012)

What is Fellowship Church about, and what is Fellowship Church not about? Pastor Garry followed God’s direction and God’s Word when starting this ministry. So, where are we today, and is the focus of Fellowship Church still to “Love Jesus and Love People?”


 What Do You See

What Do You See? (2013)

Terry Clark, Pastor Garry's incredible brother, will bless you with his kindness, his love, and his endearing Southern Style in this message. So listen in with us!