Sermons On Living With Purpose


Beating Addiction (2014)

Addiction is a huge problem in our culture, and it's affecting more families than ever before in our nation's history! In this message Joe Hamblen, a former addict himself, will give his personal story of success and how others can make it too. Hamblen now serves as Program Director for Loving Hands Ministry which strives to rehabilitate men who have addiction problems.


 Chasing The Wind

Chasing The Wind (2006)

King solomon knew it all, had it all, and did it all...yet he was still empty and frustrated. He Chased The Wind and could never catch it - No One Ever Has!

The Book of Ecclesiastes is Solomon's personal journal of what life is like when you chase the wind. It is vanity and leads to futility.

In this series, Pastor Garry Clark gives four illustrated teaching messages designed to bring you into focus with God and help reveal what really matters.



Extreme (2016)

In this series Pastor Garry takes a powerful look at events from the book of Daniel.



Games People Play (2004)

In part One of this series Pastor Garry kicks off the "Capital Campaign" for Fellowship Church's new facility. He looks at attitude, outlook, and purpose. Are you ready to "Get In The Game."

In Parts Two, Three, and Four he looks at the games of Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, and Charades to answer some important questions. Are you being trivial? or Are you trusting in Jesus Christ and focusing on what really matters? What do you do when you are at "The Crossroads?"

Do you chase after material things? or, Are you truly content and satisfied with your blessings?

Are you pursuing the behavior of trying to be someone or something that you're not?



Jubilee (2012)

JUBILEE! The trumpets would sound throughout the land, and incredible celebrations would take place, proclaiming “I AM FREE!” In this message Pastor Garry is going to help us understand what Jubilee should ‘mean to me!'



Momma Said! (2011)

The woman who had the most powerful and positive impact on the life of Pastor Garry, was his momma, Ann Clark Riley! 18 years later, after her brutal murder, some of her incredibly solid, Biblical sayings still ring loudly in his ears... Momma Said!



Pursuit (2012)

What are you personally running after? What are you pursuing? Is it trivial or is it Spiritually meaningful? Join Pastor Garry as he goes into the Word of God for answers to these questions.



Samson: A Not So Super Man! (2018)

He was strong & intelligent, but he was cocky! Where does this lead him? Enjoy Pastor Garry Clark's series, "Samson: A Not So Superman!"



Samson: A Not So Super Man! (2012)

If there is one person in the Bible who is like Superman... It's Samson! In this message series Pastor Garry takes us into the Word of God to take a closer look at this Biblical strong man.



Secret Service! (2018)

This series focuses on the rewards for giving and serving - but will your reward be here, or Heaven?



Vision (2013)

In this message Pastor Garry takes us on a journey through eleven years of Vision, eleven years of Purpose! He's going back to the beginning, with some fun, yet encouraging accomplishments that Fellowship Church has been blessed with.



Walls (2012)

Pastor Garry Clark’s brother Terry will be speaking about “WALLS” in this message. We all experience them but how do we become overcomers?



*WARD (2012)

This series by Pastor Garry Clark has one of the craziest titles that he has ever done. We start out by "Looking Inward," then we see how important "Pressing Onward" is in our daily lives. From there we "Rise Upward," and finally we are shown that as a result of our faith we should be "Expecting Reward!"



You Gotta Give God His First! (2019)

Pastor Garry Clark kicks off the coming new year with the powerful and memorable series.