Sermons On Israel


Israel 2023 (2023)

In light of all the current events in the news, these message focus on the country of ISRAEL



Prevailing Prince (2010)

In this four-part series Pastor Garry Clark will take us through a look at Israel from God's perspective and from His Word. We will explore past, current, and future events.



The Final Solution (2010)

The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators during the 1930s and 40s.

Two out of every three Jews were murdered during this time! Surely this would mean the final end of the Jews and Israel, wouldn't it? NOT SO FAST!

Pastor Garry Clark is going to show you how the Word of God is true, and how a dispersed and murdered nation once again defied the odds to unify and prevail against a fate that seemed so sure!

This message is part of the Prevailing Prince message series which appears above on this page.